PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS IN HEALTH improve health service delivery through increased access, quality and efficiency of healthcare.(1) Consequently, Ministry  of  Health  Uganda    in  partnership  with  USAID/Private  Health  Support  programme  through  Cardno  Emerging  Markets are  implemented  a Public  Private  Partnership  in  Health (PPPH) program in  Uganda. One of the program goals was to build the capacity Ministry of Health to translate the Public Private Partnership in Health Policy into actions through strengthening coordination between the public and private health sub sectors and to implement partnerships that benefit the health of Ugandans.

Uganda National Association of Community and Occupational Health(UNACOH) was assigned to work with Ministry of Health on the Strengthening Public Private Partnership for Health project as facilitators. Through this project, UNACOH carried out the following;

  1. Analysed other country PPP Units and documented best practices that could be adopted by the Ministry of Health PPPH Node.
  2. Analysed the existing PPPH structure set out in the PPPH policy and developed recommendations on strategies to improve coordination and functionality of the PPPH Node.
  3. Developed an organisational chart of the PPPH Node with linkages in and out of MoH to provide a structure for effective implementation of PPPH.
  4. Developed a staffing Plan and individual work plans of the PPPH Node.
  5. Developed Combined implementation guidelines for PPPH.
  6. Developed Operating systems and tools to implement PPPHs.
  7. Develop an implementation plan of the draft PPPH strategy.
  8. Conducted a baseline survey of PPPHs in Uganda to provide an inventory of PPPHs in Uganda.
  9. Developed Concept notes of possible PPPHs that could be implemented.
  10. Reviewed of the composition of the PPPH-Technical Working Group and made proposals on how the composition could be aligned to the PPP Law and PPPH Policy.

Currently, UNACOH is a member of the PPPH Technical Working Group and is continuously contributing to efforts that promote PPPH in Uganda.


  1. Shrivastava R, Fonjungo PN, Kebede Y, Bhimaraj R, Zavahir S, Mwangi C, et al. Role of public-private partnerships in achieving UNAIDS HIV treatment targets. BMC Health Serv Res. 2019 Jan;19(1):46.